Thursday, October 13, 2011

Effort to Exonerate Marcus Garvey Spreads Online

"" In London, 61 years ago today, Marcus Garvey, founder of the pioneering United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), died. Garvey, a Jamaican, was alone, having been deported from the United States, where J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI were determined to stop his attempt to link Africa and African-Americans by sea via the Black Star Line. Recently, Geoffrey Philp, a Jamaican writer and blogger based in Florida, started a petition to clear Marcus Garvey of the mail fraud charges that caused his deportation and his downfall. Philp’s goal is to collect 10,000 electronic signatures, and deliver them to US President Barack Obama. Philp, whose writing appears in the Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories, says he started this petition out of “love and respect for Marcus Garvey” and after watching other similar initiatives fail."


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